NaviParking Sp. z o.o.
Dolnych Wałów 8
44-100 Gliwice
For private and commercial parking owners, municipalities
Parking digitalization enabling
For airports, owners of parking lots located close to the airports
Cooperation with NaviParking helps attracting new clients. The service is dedicated to parking owners having their parking lots located in close proximity to the airports. Adding their parking facilities to our parking data repository
For public, private, corporate parking owners
Computer vision car detection is an innovative solution harnessing AI algorithms and machine learning to automate parking management. With the use of camera streaming from IP cameras, the software is able to recognize available and occupied parking spots and report it to the backend and mobile application. Benefits:
The solution is dedicated to parking facilities having already installed parking management system (PMS) as well as the ones where PMS does not exist. In the last case it can facilitate decision making process regarding installation of PMS - based on analytics about parking occupancy per time of a day, including seasonal changes and other factors.
For Municipalities
Based on cooperation with Smart City Wrocław and Amsterdam we developed integrated parking management solution consolidating all kinds of parking data from:
Providing citizens with parking information enables alleviating congestion caused by ineffective searching for parking. The cities can benefit from:
As the solution uses open API, it can be integrated with third parties, like city transport services providers. Creation of a multi-vendor platform allows taking advantage from a common value chain, and services bundling, facilitating further innovation based on Open Data. Shaping Mobility-as-a-Service ecosystem, empowers citizens to use one application for all mobility purposes and helps making city transport more balanced.
NaviParking Sp. z o.o.
Dolnych Wałów 8
44-100 Gliwice